At the 2016 Build conference, Microsoft announced that Bash on Ubuntu on Windows was coming. Well, it came out last week, and I installed it as soon as I could! My next challenge was to get Jekyll to run and install on it, so I can build and preview this site on my Surface Book.
So, first, I needed to install version 2.0 of Ruby. There is a bit of messing involved for this, but first
apt-get update
apt-get install ruby2.0
Now, when you run
ruby -v
you will still see ruby 1.9.x installed… and the github-pages gem, which includes Jekyll 3, requires ruby 2.0… ugh. after reading this very long bug report I got this:
# Rename original out of the way, so updates / reinstalls don't squash our hack fix
dpkg-divert --add --rename --divert /usr/bin/ruby.divert /usr/bin/ruby
dpkg-divert --add --rename --divert /usr/bin/gem.divert /usr/bin/gem
# Create an alternatives entry pointing ruby -> ruby2.0
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ruby ruby /usr/bin/ruby2.0 1
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gem gem /usr/bin/gem2.0 1
Now, when I run ruby -v, I am told I am on version 2.0! Happy days! Next, i installed bundler using
gem install bundler
which uses a Gemfile to install the required gems, so running
bundle install
should install all required gems but no luck… I tried adding ruby2.0 dev to the mix
apt-get install ruby2.0-dev
but running jekyll from bash said it did not exist, and running
bundle exec jekyll build
failed with a memory issue… ugh…
Anyway, next, I tried
gem install github-pages -V
-v makes it verbose, so you can see what’s going on… after a bit of time, and lots of output to the screen…
jekyll build
bash: /usr/bin/jekyll: No such file or directory
FECK! So, after a bit more digging, i find that jekyll is actually in /usr/local/bin/jekyll
ln /usr/local/bin/jekyll /usr/bin/jekyll
solves that problem!
now running
jekyll build
works perfectly, as does
jekyll serve
HAPPY DAYS! Mind you, I am only using this as a testing and writing system. I have not tried s3_website just yet, but that is being sorted elsewhere anyway. Maybe my next post will explain that…
This site is hosted on my own ASN on AS204994. More details about that over there. I also use Vultr for transit services and HostUs for LIR Services. Check them out. You can also check some of the gear I use on a daily basis over on Looking for a Backup Option? Check out Backblaze and get a month free.