so, earlier on today, i was talking about using Git with a DNS service called LuaDNS to update your DNS records. Well, thing is, i have 30+ domains registered, and of them about 25 are hosted on Amazon’s Route53. So, moving ALL of them seems, well at the moment, excessive… So, i went digging…
there is a tool called cli53 which will allow you to manage route53 objects from the command line. It can also export your zones to BIND format and then re-import them if you have made changes… This all came out of a blog post by the guys and gals at netguru who showed how they integrate their DNS records with their Continuous Integration… Now, i have not gotten to that stage, just yet, but its only 1 step more down the road… but I don’t have my zones in bind format… So, how do i do that?
I tweaked their block of ruby code (first time playing with ruby, be gentle with me) and got the following:
essentially, it runs cli53 (you may need to change your path) and then creates .bind files for each zone.
then, using their code below, you can re-import them to Route53:
i have exported all mine, added them to git and done some testing… All seems to be in order… once i do some tweaks, i can get that CI piece working and it should be all magic…
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