Tiernan's Comms Closet

Geek, Programmer, Photographer, network egineer…

day 10 of #100daysofhomelab

Day 10 of #100daysofhomelab and its mostly updates and monitoring.

I think my next plan for the Kubernetes cluster is to rebuild the VMs and start from scratch. Currently, they ranged from 2-4 cores and 4-8Gb RAM. They also had a single disk on them and used an Ubuntu 22.04 cloud image. I think the plan going forward is to make sure each has similar RAM and Cores, none are going on the smaller VM Hosts I have, and I will be adding a new disk just for storage. Looks like Minio might work for me… More testing and reading are required though.

Day 9 of #100daysofhomelab

Well, day 9 of #100daysofhomelab is about Disaster Recovery… Well, at least the disaster part… Recovery not so much… My Kubernetes cluster, how do I put this… shat the bed… It’s been up and down all day and then the Longhorn storage failed and took my WordPress install with it… I lost yesterday’s post (which isn’t the end of the world) but it’s a pain in the ass… I ended up using the old docker copy of WordPress, so at least that’s online.

So, going to shut down the full cluster and start again… Might be looking at something other than Longhorn for storage… but giving up for the day… I will be back tomorrow.

day 7 of #100daysofhomelab

Day 7 of #100daysofhomelab and just a quick update for today: this site is now running on my Kubernetes Cluster! I am using Cloudflare tunnels for the ingress controller (more on that later) and so far, so good… Most of this was done yesterday, and it was a swap over of the DNS stuff today… been sick most of the day, so that’s all I got in me for day 7…

day 6 of #100daysofhomelab

Day 6 of #100daysofhomelab and I have some progress on my Kubernetes cluster!

Then after a few min, it comes back online…

Also, I got WordPress installed in Kubernetes! Now to migrate this blog over… Hopefully before my next update tomorrow…

day 5 of #100daysofhomelab

Day 5 of #100daysofhomelab and its mostly reading… the daddy was in the hospital for the last 2 weeks, including over Christmas day, so tomorrow is Christmas day for us… Turkey, ham and all the usual stuff… So, been busy with that. But have been reading a couple of docs, so some links for today:

That’s about it for today… I’ll be back tomorrow… hopefully…

day 4 of #100daysofhomelab

Day 4 of #100daysofhomelab and I am still reading the docs I posted yesterday on Kubernetes. I hope to get something sorted this weekend… On a different note, I posted a new YouTube video on the iODD ST400, linked below. This is a follow-up to my iODD Mini review I did a couple of years back. Hopefully, I will have a second video with some speed tests and a better walk in the next few days… hopefully.

Update: I think I am going to have to get my i7 with 6 2.5Gb Ethernet ports and one of the R720s up and running soon… I am running out of memory on my Proxmox cluster.

day 3 of #100daysofhomelab

Day 3 of #100daysofhomelab and more Kubernetes messing today. Haven’t got it working, but messing with it is a start. Some links and notes are below:

I am planning on moving my WordPress install over from my Docker host to Kubernetes in the next few days, so running through the docks from Bharathiraja above, but I keep getting errors related to MySQL… More digging is required. I use Cloudflare Tunnels to secure my WordPress install, so the docs on how to use Cloudflare Tunnels with Kubernetes are important…

Day 2 of #100daysofhomelab

Day 2 of #100daysofhomelab and more messing with Kubernetes… So far, I have built, torn down, rebuilt and torn down a second time… and now building for a third time! Techno Tims Ansible scripts for the Win! A couple of notes for today:

  • the script uses K3s version 1.24.8-k3s1. at some stage yesterday I tried changing this to 1.26.0-k3s1, the latest version from the K3s GitHub page… This was a bad idea. Rancher does not like this, and, well, I don’t know what I am doing, so I want to see what Rancher does…
  • ideally, you would have multiple master nodes, but, me being the lazy git that I am, only set up 1… but it does look like it could be changeable later on…
  • I have a total of 6 VMs running my K3S cluster: 3 are 4 Cores with 8GB RAM running on GodBoxV2, which is now running Proxmox. The other 3 are each running on my HP Micro Server, the Quad 2.5Gb Celeron Box and an 8th Gen Intel NUC… each is given 2 cores and 4GB RAM. That gives me a total of (roughly) 18 cores and 36GB RAM. Each VM has around 50 GB of storage and using Longhorn, I have around 250GB of space (master does not seem to contribute space). Replicas are set to 3, so not quite a full 250GB.
  • Why Kubernetes? Well, I have 2 VMs currently running my fleet of docker containers. I have lost count of how many i actually have. So, my plan is to use Kubernetes to move all them from those single docker boxes, and have them more distributed and more HA. This will allow me to move stuff around easier, or at least i think it will… At the very least, i get to play with new tech! 🙂

More work on the cluster is required. This blog is hosted in-house on one of the docker instances… Hopefully, at some stage, it will be moved to the K3s cluster! That would be the first major move!

Day 1 of #100daysofhomelab

I have decided to start my #100daysofhomelab journey again, so today is day 1. I have been working on a K3s cluster in the house, and so far, I have to start again… going to rebuild it again tomorrow at some stage…

Lots of Links

some notes for myself:

Service Account for Dashboard

to create the Service account, create a file, ca.yml, and enter the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: <username>
  namespace: kube-system

next, create a file called cluster-role-binding.yml with the following:

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: <username>
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: <username>
  namespace: kube-system

make sure username matches!

run the following commands:

kubectl apply -f sa.yml
kubectl apply -f cluster-role-binding.yml
kubectl -n kube-system create token <username>

Installing OpenSCSI and NFS (required for Longhorn) with Ansible

Ansible Script

- hosts: k3s
  become: true
  - name: Update and upgrade apt packages
    become: true
      upgrade: yes
      update_cache: yes
      cache_valid_time: 600 
  - name: install packages
    become: true
      - nfs-common
      - open-iscsi

  - name: Make sure open-iscsi is enabled and running
      enabled: true
      state: started
      name: open-iscsi