Now that all my sites are running Jekyll I am trying to get them optimized for SPEED which meant
looking at all the stuff that takes time to download… There are more tweaks (and possibly posts) coming down
the road, but to start, I needed to look at images.
First things first. I’m running this on a Sabayon Linux box, so some of the install commands will be different… (Also, i do need to explain why I moved from Windows to Linux on the GodboxV2, but that’s a different post…)
First, install OptiPNG (they have a Windows build too…) and JPEGOptim
sudo equo install optipng
sudo equo install jpegoptim
[UPDATE] I tried this on an Ubutnu Box, and to install both of these, the package names are the same. so, to install both:
sudo apt-get install optipng jpegoptim
Next, using the Linux find command (this should work also on OSX…) run OptiPNG and JPEGOptim on all pngs and
jpgs in your given directory:
find . -iname "*.png" -exec optipng {} \;
find . -iname "*.jpe?g" -exec jpegoptim {} \;
depending on how many images (and how fast your machine is) it should take a min or two…
That’s it! I did a git status, which showed me all the changed images, and then deployed the Jekyll sites… All
good! That’s it!